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Tic Talk 2020 final survey results

Twenty-seven people responded to our survey asking people what content they wanted for our Tic Talk 2020 meeting (May 2, here at Wash. U.). Thank you! Most respondents (81%) were family members of someone with tics.

And … the envelope, please! Here are the main results:

Topics you are interested in:

  1. Tics at school, working with schools, IEPs: 70%
  2. How psychological factors or situations influence tics: 70%
  3. Research on what causes tic disorders and/or how the brain creates tics: 52%
  4. Management of ADHD: 52% 
  5. Non-medication tic treatments: 52%
  6. Management of OCD: 48%
  7. Marijuana and related drugs for tics: 44%
  8. Online treatment tools for tics: 44%
  9. “Ask the experts” session: 33%

Topics you want your doctor to hear about:

  1. Management of symptoms other than tics: 78%
  2. Proven treatments for tics: 67%
  3. New or upcoming medications for tics: 59%
  4. Tics at school, working with schools, IEPs: 59%
  5. Research on what causes tic disorders and/or how the brain creates tics: 48%
  6. CBIT training: 48%
  7. Non-medication treatments for tics: 44%

Thank you!

Thank you all for your responses! Based on these answers, I discarded one talk I was thinking of doing (intro to tic disorders), and invited an expert on managing OCD in TS.

Please mark your calendar for Tic Talk 2020, May 2 here at Wash. U., and invite friends, family, your doctor, school staff, or anyone else you feel will benefit. We’ll have a registration form up in a couple of weeks at . Hope to see you there!

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