Dr. Deanna Greene and Dr. Kevin Black are conducting a study with children ages 10-14 who have chronic tics or Tourette syndrome. The purpose of this research is to learn about the brain in tic disorders and how it changes over time.
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Interested in Participating or Learning More about LoTS?
Call Emily at 314-362-2083 or Luis at 314-273-7575
Email us at tourette@wustl.edu
After you submit your information, one of our study recruiters will get in touch with you.
NOTE: Children who have any form of metal orthodontia, i.e. braces, are not eligible to participate while they have the orthodontia. Once your child’s metal orthodontia has been removed, they may be eligible for the study.
Who may qualify for this study?
- Children ages 10-14 with parent/guardian participation
- Children with Tourette Syndrome OR tics for at least a one-year duration
- Children WITHOUT metal orthodontia; i.e. braces
- Children who have metal orthodontia now but will be having it removed soon.
What does participation include?
- 2 visits now
- 2 visits in 2 years
- Compensated up to $455 over the 2 years
- MRI scans, questionnaires, and interviews
- Study procedures are provided at no cost to you